Recently, independent analyst Dave Michels focused his attention on the state of Vidyo in both a blog post, Vidyo Got...
2018: What to Expect for Embedded Video
Elana Anderson, CMO The market will evolve from video conferencing to video interaction, with enterprises and...
Bridging IT and Clinical
All along the continuum of care — from large health systems to rural home care — collaboration and cooperation among...
The of Healthcare: Monetizing Health Instead of Disease
IMAGINE Imagine it’s Thanksgiving and you wake up at 2:45 a.m. to your toddler suffering from a fever, nausea, and a...
Real-time Video Communications, AI and the IoT’s Impact on the Behavioral Economics of Healthcare
Behavioral economics is all about why we make the choices we make as individuals, and how those decisions affect...
Watson Workplace Demo: An Telehealth Health Example Featured on IBM Blog
IBM Connect 2017 is here! Come visit us at booth #828 to meet our team and check out a demo of Vidyo’s integration...