Vidyo Telehealth Platform:

Pioneering Video Conferencing for Mental Health and Behavioral Health Services 


In the realm of behavioral health, the Vidyo Telehealth Platform is transforming the way care is delivered. Our state-of-the-art video conferencing technology enables healthcare providers to offer remote mental health services, ensuring patients receive the care they need, when they need it.

Why Choose Vidyo for Telehealth in Behavioral Health? 

Choosing Vidyo means investing in a telehealth solution that prioritizes patient care, optimizes healthcare resources, and adapts to the evolving landscape of mental health services. Our platform is designed to seamlessly integrate into in-patient and outpatient workflows, enhancing efficiency and patient outcomes. 

Impact on In-Patient and Outpatient Workflows 

With Vidyo, healthcare providers can conduct virtual consultations, monitor patients remotely, and provide ongoing care – all without the need for patients to leave their homes. This not only improves access to care but also reduces the burden on healthcare facilities. 

For example, a typical outpatient workflow might involve a patient scheduling a virtual consultation, participating in the video conference from the comfort of their home, and receiving follow-up care remotely. This eliminates the need for travel, reduces waiting times, and allows for more flexible scheduling. 

Advanced Features of Our Telehealth Platform 

Our platform offers a range of advanced features designed to enhance the delivery of mental health services: 

  • High-quality video conferencing: Our platform offers clear, reliable video conferencing capabilities, ensuring effective communication between healthcare providers and patients. 
  • Seamless integration: Our platform can be easily integrated with existing EHR systems, simplifying workflows and ensuring patient data is easily accessible. 
  • Scalability: Whether you’re a small clinic or a large hospital, our platform can scale to meet your needs, ensuring you can provide effective care to all your patients. 

Industry Use Cases 

Our telehealth platform has been successfully used in a range of scenarios within the behavioral health sector: 


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    Substance Abuse Treatment

    Through video conferencing, healthcare providers can offer ongoing support and treatment to individuals dealing with substance abuse, helping them on their path to recovery. 

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    Psychiatric Consults

    Our platform enables psychiatrists to conduct virtual consultations, providing critical mental health services to patients who may not be able to access in-person care. 

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    Group Therapy Sessions

    With our platform, healthcare providers can conduct virtual group therapy sessions, providing a supportive environment for individuals dealing with similar challenges. 

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    Crisis Intervention

    In crisis situations, immediate access to care is critical. Our platform enables healthcare providers to respond promptly and provide necessary care. 

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    Ongoing Mental Health Support

    For individuals dealing with chronic mental health conditions, our platform provides a means for regular check-ins and ongoing support. 

    The Importance of Breakout Rooms and Closed Captioning 

    Breakout Rooms

    Breakout rooms are a critical feature for group therapy sessions. They allow the facilitator to divide participants into smaller groups for more focused discussions. This feature can enhance the therapeutic process by allowing for more intimate conversations and personalized attention. 


    Closed Captioning 

    Closed captioning is an essential accessibility feature for individuals with hearing impairments. By providing real-time text of the conversation, closed captioning ensures that all participants can fully engage in the therapy session, regardless of their hearing ability. 

    Transforming Behavioral Health with Vidyo 

    With Vidyo’s Telehealth Platform, healthcare providers can offer comprehensive, effective mental health services remotely. Whether it’s a psychiatric consult, substance abuse treatment, or ongoing mental health support, our platform ensures patients receive the care they need, when they need it. 

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